China, one of the fastest
growing countries in
the world, has made
remarkable progress over
the past 40 years since it
opened to the world.
The Chinese market
presents new opportunities and challenges.
Understanding how to conduct business in or with China is no longer a
luxury, but rather a prerequisite for success in international business.
This program is designed to provide senior executives and business
leaders with a comprehensive view of leading and managing business
effectively in the fast-changing context of China, in a manner that is
compatible with Chinese business practices, regulatory frameworks
and consumer expectations. With a blended format, through lectures,
case studies, interactive learning and company visits, participants
acquire skills necessary for evaluating business opportunities and
developing business strategies for operating, competing, collaborating
and/or further expanding in China.
The program draws on Tsinghua SEM core faculty, as well as guest
speakers from key government institutions and/or leading Chinese
and multinational companies, to facilitate gainful interactions with
Chinese decision makers, and leaders of thought in academia and
Deeper understanding of the institutional logic and
structure, policy frameworks and trends in the Chinese
economy, as well their implications for global business
and the opportunities and risks of doing business in
Vital, up-to-date insights into Chinese customers, B2B,
B2C and B2G, marketing in China and the knowledge to
design China market development strategies.
Exploration of China’s capital markets including
valuation, financing, and its evolving characteristics,
including the financing of trade and foreign direct
investment, and the overall investment environment.
Dive deep into the ecosystems of China to understand
the country’s technology and innovation, and their
impact on the economy and on entrepreneurship.
Comprehensive understanding of the Chinese culture
and mindset and the changing values of Chinese citizens
and how these shape business and corporate attitudes
and strategizing.
Awareness of the factors shaping and influencing
social and interpersonal relationships, business culture
and negotiation practices in China.
Interaction with speakers from government and industry
to learn from their insight and personal experiences.
Build your China network as you share experiences and
build strong connections with other participants as well
as Tsinghua SEM Executive Education alumni.
Dean, Tsinghua SEM
Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor
of Economics
Senior Associate Dean,
Tsinghua SEM
Coca Cola Chair Professor of Marketing
Associate Dean,
Tsinghua SEM
Professor of Innovation,
and Strategy
Associate Dean, Tsinghua SEM
Chair and Professor of Finance
Executive Vice Dean, Shenzhen Institute of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
Assistant Dean, Tsinghua SEM
Irwin and Joan Jacobs Chair Professor of Management Science and Engineering
Vice Chairman, China Public Relations Association
Professor and Dean, National Institute of Public Relations and Strategic Communication, Communication University of China
Fuji Bank and Heller Professor of Finance, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Special-Term Alibaba Foundation Professor, Tsinghua SEM
Associate Professor in Marketing and Fellow of
St Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge Judge Business School
Assistant Professor, Research Institute for International Management, University of St.Gallen
Director, China Competence Center
Director, Global Executive Courses, Tsinghua SEM
Associate Professor of Finance, Tsinghua SEM
Associate Professor of
Accounting,Tsinghua SEM
Chairman, China-U.S.
Green Fund
Former Director, Development Planning Department, National Development and Reform Commission
Chief Economist and Partner, Deloitte China
Guest Professor, Tsinghua SEM
Co-Founder, Chairman
Technologies (Beijing)
Co., Ltd.
Holding Group
Former Global Vice
President, NVIDIA
Former Global Vice
President, Apple
Former Vice President,
Intel & Managing
Director, Intel China
Senior Researcher and
Research Head of Future
Technology Department,
Alibaba Research